Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hello, Welcome and Come on In.

Good Morning,
Just sitting here waiting on the school bus to drive by the house. See every school morning that I am home from work I have to stand on the front porch and wave at the bus.
On the bus are my two prides and joys. Back about 6 years ago my oldest grandson started kindergarten, he was nervous of riding the bus by himself so I promised him Papa and I would watch for him as the bus drove by the house. We would wave and blow him a kiss and he would do the same. Now he has grown to where he is allowed to put the window down and wave his little hand out the window at us.
Several times as he passed it brought Papa and I to tears, his expression on his little face was that of, save me nana, or I'm all grown up now we can stop waving now. I have told him many times that I will wave at him as he passes the house with his prom date, well that just makes him nauseated.
Our 2nd. grandson (his brother) started riding that same school bus to pre-kindergarten this year, so he just beginning to experience Nana and Papa waving from the front porch. His little head just bearly rises above the window but that little hand is raised high while he waves at us. Over the years we have noticed quite a few of the children waving at us from the bus.
One day after our grandchildren have all grown and Papa and I are still out on the porch waving at the bus, we will be known around town for crazy old man and lady waving.
I better head out of here it is about time for the bus to roll by.


Oshutterup said...

Gosh, I remember the first day I put Jesse on the school bus - cried my eyes out - when I put Harry on the school bus... I bawled my eyes out - and yes I even beat the bus to school - and the next day and there after i took both boys to school (until we started homeschooling) LOLOL

Jim said...

Hey Sue it's good to see you blogging. Ruthe told me to stop by. That's a great story about the two of you waving at the bus. I have the vision in my mind and can just picture you waving! -Jim